The Month That Was… Memory May

The Month That Was… Memory May

May is a stunning month. It has been a stunning month here in Wimbledon. However, I had chance to skedaddle for a trip to stay with a family I became very close to when I worked in Washington. Robert was at a conference, so I was quite the lady at leisure.

Washington is a place that stirs many memories for me – good memories. I had graduated from university, it felt as if the world was my oyster, Washington was the place for me – it seemed. Only, I had met Robert just before (on holiday) and that following year, fascinating and stimulating as it was, brought me to the realization that I really would quite like to know him better.

Whilst reminiscing with the family I stayed with, they recalled how excited I would become when Robert called me – which was not all that often – well it did not seem so at the time. I was trying out American style dating (which was very different to the English behaviours) going out for coffee or to see films, watch sports, and although there were some entertaining and amusing young men who I spent time with, I remember not feeling anywhere near the excitement that came from a letter from Robert (yes – letter – yes, that long ago, although I also remember emails).

I have kept in touch with a few friends from Washington. It is fun to share memories from such a long time ago. I am very glad to be back in Wimbledon with my darling Robert though.

One thing that has let me down quite badly this month is my memory. While I was away I was dismayed to find my scheduling was not up-to-date. I do apologize. You may have noticed a few irregularities. I ought to spend some time giving attention to my WordPress site.

Now…I do not often make film recommendations, however, I finally saw a feature I missed out on when it was released at cinemas. It was super to watch Lesley Manville in the gorgeous “Mrs Harris Goes to Paris.” My recommendation is to watch it with your beloved with a bottle of Rosé and some crudité. Bliss!

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