The Month That Was…Anniversary August

The Month That Was…Anniversary August

A lot happened during August. It has been one of those months were the pace was so swift, our feet hardly touched the floor. We have packed a huge amount into this month. We had two holidays overseas, entertained our nieces for a week, attended a convention at Wembley, which left us both marvelling at everything we beheld, and held a Graduation party for Wills (our nephew) – who is moving on to his next adventure.

I have neglected my Instagram routine and I have not quite kept on top of all the little administration tasks associated with an orderly website – I do apologize to any of you who noticed missing links and missing Song Lyric Sunday for two weeks on the run. I just could not find the time to research the themes Jim set us. Tonight is the first time in weeks I have had the evening to myself (Robert is out at a meeting and I have come down with a sort of cold which is leaving me very achy and shivery). It is quite nice to be in an empty house (I cannot remember the last time it was empty) and enjoy the sort of silence that brings everything back to memory.

August – it is our wedding anniversary month. How lovely it is to reminisce – so many treasured memories. Our holiday last week was within an hour of the destination where we met many moons ago (we can afford the posher hotels nowadays) and we had chance to visit some of the locations we explored during our holiday romance. The truth is, when I met Robert, although we clicked very quickly, I remember thinking I would like to stay in touch with him because he seemed like someone who would be a very interesting friend to have. I was sure he would go on to lead a full life, with a demanding career, become fabulously wealthy, and charm women on every holiday he went on. I never imagined he and I would team up to live life together. I hope this does not sound overly sentimental, but we are ideal partners in life – he has enriched my life. Life with Robert – it has been a genuine delight. I have been very very happy. Our wedding anniversary is a marker and a reminder of all I am grateful for.

The summer school holidays means we have lots of younger relatives coming to stay with us – which is fun but exhausting! I think Robert and I do very well at trying to keep up with the teenagers. One activity that is a very comfortable pace and stirs a great deal of enthusiasm in our nieces is baking. Thanks to Wills showing off about his baking submission for The Great Bloggers’ Bake Off, all three of the girls wanted to bake something so that they could take part. My particular favourite was Rebekah’s Cheddar and Piccalilli Tart, but were all very impressed by Charlotte’s cupcakes.

At this present moment, I keep hovering on Jeanne’s website, looking out for the results. Melody has said she will let me know as soon as the results are announced. Then, I can complete the video that I have been working on for the Bake Off. My latest little project on the video production front. I will let you know when it live.

2 thoughts on “The Month That Was…Anniversary August

  1. Hi firstly I hope you are feeling better soon there’s nothing worse than a summer cold.
    Congratulations to you and Robert on your anniversary… You’re not being sentimental at all it’s lovely that you are soulmates and make each other so happy . August is our anniversary month too we have been married for 52 years now. Like you we are very happy together.. obviously we have our ups and downs but that’s life.
    Good luck in the Bake off I am looking forward to seeing your video.
    Have a good day and feel better 💜💜


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