The Month That Was…Orange October

The Month That Was…Orange October

Yes…orange – the colour and flavour of the month was without doubt ORANGE. Robert and I have been slowly recovering from Covid – and I do feel our recovery has been slow. Even when we were no longer infectious or feverish, it seemed to have left us weakened, and with aching dry coughs that just would not go away.

I have particularly felt feeble. My energy levels have been appallingly low, and so I have been trying to take it easy and not push my body. (My ribs hurt after weeks of coughing.) I have had a huge craving over the course of the month for freshly squeezed orange juice and anything orange flavoured. I have also been making lots of spicy vegetable casseroles and tagines – all ending up distinctly orange. The orange poppies in the garden, Robert’s orange and navy scarf, the orange leaves creeping over the brick wall, the colours of butternut squash and chantenay carrots – this month was exceptionally orange.

We had the honour of a brief visit from Jack and Melody (known to WordPress users as Caramel) a couple of weeks ago. They came at an odd time in the afternoon so we filled a teapot and served a cake I had baked that morning for them. Missing them terribly. Melody looks terrific. Married life is suiting her. She was positively beaming. She says she misses London, but is very glad to be nearer to her family.

I felt very tearful as the realization sunk in that they are unlikely to return to live in London for a long time, if at all. Here is an autumnal serenade about missing someone dear to you – video packed with every shade of orange.

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