Peanut-dressed Noodle Salad With Carrots And Herbs

Peanut-dressed Noodle Salad With Carrots And Herbs

This does not in anyway feel like a salad! But this is a dish we eat warm or cold and find very filling. The herbs – Thai basil is just splendid – add a refreshing punchy element. The noodles slathered in that wonderfully spicy peanut marinade are very lovely but very substantial. We like this salad very much – chopped peanuts and crispy onions add extra indulgence – and why not? Salads can be indulgent surely!


225g pack rice vermicelli noodles
5 tbsp toasted sesame oil
3 tbsp smooth peanut butter
3 tbsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp rice vinegar
1½ tbsp soft light brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp crushed chilli
3 carrots, peeled
2 x 25g packs Thai basil, leaves only
½ x 100g pack mint, leaves only, roughly chopped
4 tbsp crispy fried onions
50g salted roasted peanuts, roughly chopped


Prepare the noodles according to pack instructions. Instant rice noodles are so easy! Drain and rinse under cold running water.

In a large bowl whisk the sesame oil, peanut butter, soy, vinegar, sugar, garlic and chilli flakes together until the ingredients are well mixed.

Add the noodles to the spicy peanut marinade and toss gently to coat. I find this is easier when the noodles are still a little warm.

Cut the carrots into long, thin ribbons using a vegetable peeler. This step takes ages!! Add to the noodles along with the Thai basil and chopped mint. Mix all of the ingredients to combine well. Tip onto a serving dish and scatter with the crispy onions and the peanuts before serving. 

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